2nd Century By Faith was introduced to the By Faith Family during our Centennial Celebration in 2014. Many delegates were inspired by young adults, 18-35 years of age, stating “I AM 2CBF!” The young adults shared their hopes and dreams for the future of our church and how they planned to help achieve the goals by incorporating their education and gifts within the body of believers.  With the full support of our Bishop James E. McKnight Jr. and the executive council, 2nd Century By Faith was born into a full functioning auxiliary. Sister Patience Landers served as coordinator. In months to follow, Minister McKenzie Coffee was appointed as the first official President of the auxiliary along with Minister Lawendell Price serving as Vice President. 2CBF has been integrated within all of auxiliaries within the Church of God By Faith. 2nd Century By Faithers have the opportunity to have a voice within the progressive movement of COGBF. Our overall mission is that we seek to inspire, encourage, and uplift believers between the ages of 18-35 to boldly raise the banner of holiness as they exercise biblical principles in their daily lives while retaining membership, maintaining healthy relationships, and connecting through fellowship. Currently, Minister Roderick Montgomery II serves as President and Minister Aymanuel Radford, Sr. serves as Vice-Resident. 
We are 2nd Century By Faith.